Source code for bgdev.utils.mesh

"""Utility methods for meshes.

:created: 05/03/2017
:author: Benoit GIELLY <>
from __future__ import absolute_import

import logging

import bgdev.utils.decorator
from maya import cmds
from maya.api import OpenMaya

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def mesh_combine_and_keep(nodes=None, visible=True): """Combine meshes and keep the original.""" nodes = nodes or name = nodes[0].rsplit("_", 1)[0] # mesh combine combined, unite = cmds.polyUnite(nodes, constructionHistory=True) combined = cmds.rename(combined, name + "_combined") unite = cmds.rename(unite, name + "_polyUnite") # parent combined mesh parent = cmds.listRelatives(nodes[0], parent=True) cmds.parent(combined, parent) cmds.reorder(combined, front=True) # turn shapes back on and parent them under their original transform for each in nodes: transform = cmds.listRelatives(each, children=True)[0] shape = cmds.listRelatives(transform, shapes=True)[0] cmds.parent(shape, each, relative=True, shape=True) cmds.setAttr(shape + ".intermediateObject", False) cmds.delete(transform) cmds.setAttr(shape + ".visibility", visible) return combined
[docs]@bgdev.utils.decorator.UNDO def mesh_reorder_callback(): """Reorder or remap vertices of selected mesh(es).""" cmds.loadPlugin("meshReorder", quiet=True) if not cmds.selectPref(query=True, trackSelectionOrder=True): cmds.selectPref(trackSelectionOrder=True) LOG.warning( 'Turning on the "Track selection order" option. ' "Please, select your vertices again!" ) return vertice =, flatten=True) if len(vertice) == 3: cmds.meshReorder(*vertice) elif len(vertice) == 6: cmds.meshRemap(*vertice) else: LOG.error("Please, select 3 vertices of one or each meshes")
[docs]@bgdev.utils.decorator.UNDO def find_phantom_vertices(fix=False): """Find meshes with incorrect amount of vertices. Args: fix (bool): Apply a fix to remove phantom vertices when True. """ if cmds.objExists("PHANTOM_VERTICES_SET"): cmds.delete("PHANTOM_VERTICES_SET") bad_meshes = [] it_meshes = OpenMaya.MItDependencyNodes(OpenMaya.MFn.kMesh) while not it_meshes.isDone(): dag = OpenMaya.MDagPath.getAPathTo(it_meshes.thisNode()) it_vertice = OpenMaya.MItMeshVertex(dag) while not it_vertice.isDone(): if not it_vertice.getConnectedEdges(): bad_meshes.append(dag.fullPathName()) if not bad_meshes:"Scene seems clean, well done!") return if not fix: cmds.sets(bad_meshes, name="PHANTOM_VERTICES_SET")"Phantom vertices found, adding the meshes to a set!") return # a "safe" way to cleanup the phantom vertices is to extrude one edge # and removing the face it has created. for each in bad_meshes: cmds.polyExtrudeEdge( "{0}.e[1]".format(each), translateZ=True, constructionHistory=False, ) face_id = cmds.polyEvaluate(each, face=True) - 1 cmds.delete( "{0}.f[{1}]".format(each, face_id), constructionHistory=False, )