Source code for bgdev.utils.constraints

"""Utility methods about constraints.

:created: 05/03/2017
:author: Benoit GIELLY <>
from __future__ import absolute_import

import logging

import bgdev.utils.decorator
from maya import cmds
import pymel.core as pm

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@bgdev.utils.decorator.UNDO_REPEAT def matrix_constraint_callback(srt="trs"): """Call back :func:`update intermediate`.""" selection = if not selection: LOG.warning("Please select at least 2 nodes!") for target in selection[1:]: matrix_constraint(selection[0], target, srt=srt)
[docs]def matrix_constraint(driver, target, srt="srt"): """Constraint one node to another using their worldMatrix attributes. Args: driver (str): The driver node target (str): The node that follow the driver. srt (str): The attributes to connect. Returns: tuple: The multMatrix and decomposeMatrix nodes. """ cmds.loadPlugin("matrixNodes", quiet=True) # define/create nodes mult = cmds.createNode("multMatrix", name=target + "_multMatrix") decompose = cmds.createNode( "decomposeMatrix", name=target + "_decomposeMatrix" ) # pylint: disable=pointless-statement,expression-not-assigned plug = driver + ".worldMatrix[0]" if cmds.nodeType(driver) == "choice": plug = driver + ".output" cmds.connectAttr(plug, mult + ".matrixIn[0]") cmds.connectAttr(target + ".parentInverseMatrix[0]", mult + ".matrixIn[1]") cmds.connectAttr(mult + ".matrixSum", decompose + ".inputMatrix") for attr in [x + y for x in srt.lower() for y in "xyz"]: cmds.connectAttr( "{0}.o{1}".format(decompose, attr), "{0}.{1}".format(target, attr) ) return mult, decompose
[docs]def aim_to_children(up_vector=(0, 1, 0), aim_vector=(1, 0, 0)): """Find an up vector for the selection and aim toward each others. Args: up_vector: aim_vector: """ # make sure selection order is active pref = pm.selectPref(query=True, trackSelectionOrder=True) if not pref: pm.selectPref(trackSelectionOrder=True) msg = "Turning on 'Selection-Order Tracking' option." msg += "You need to re-do your selection !" pm.error(msg) # get selection in order selection = # create up loc pt_up = pm.spaceLocator(name="pt_up") point = pm.pointConstraint([selection[0], selection[-1]], pt_up) aim = pm.aimConstraint( selection[-1], pt_up, upVector=(0, 1, 0), worldUpObject=selection[1], worldUpType="object", aimVector=(1, 0, 0), ) pm.delete(point, aim) pt_a = selection[0].getTranslation(space="world") pt_b = selection[-1].getTranslation(space="world") dist = [0, (pt_a - pt_b).length(), 0] pm.move( pt_up, dist, relative=True, objectSpace=True, worldSpaceDistance=True, ) # aim each others according to the pt_up Vector for i, each in enumerate(selection): if (i + 1) < len(selection): aim = pm.aimConstraint( selection[i + 1], each, upVector=up_vector, worldUpObject=pt_up, worldUpType="object", aimVector=aim_vector, ) pm.delete(aim) else: rotation = pm.xform( selection[i - 1], query=True, rotation=True, worldSpace=True, ) pm.xform(each, rotation=rotation, worldSpace=True) pm.delete(pt_up)