Source code for

"""Generate pypredefs using Maya's help query to read command flags.

:created: 18/05/2018
:author: Benoit GIELLY <>
from keyword import iskeyword
import logging
import os
import re

from maya import cmds, mel

    import urllib
except ImportError:
    import urllib2 as urllib

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_maya_urls(): """Generate a table for each commands from the online documentation. Returns: dict: Generates a {command:url} dictionnary. """ version = cmds.about(majorVersion=True) url = ( "{}/" "ENU/Maya-Tech-Docs/CommandsPython/{{}}.html" ).format(version) try: response = urllib.urlopen(url.format("index_all")) html = commands = re.findall(r'<a href="(.*?).html"', html) except (urllib.URLError, urllib.HTTPError): commands = [] data = {} for each in commands: data[each] = url.format(each) return data
[docs]def indent(text, amount=4): """Indent each lines of the given string. Args: text (str): Text to indent amount (int): Number or character padding Returns: str: Indented text. """ return "".join(amount * " " + line for line in text.splitlines(True))
[docs]def cleanup_flags(docstring): """Cleanup the docstring from the mel output to a nicer result. Args: docstring (str): The docstring extracted from the help command query. Example: Reformat this docstring:: Flags: -n -name String -p -parent String -s -shared -ss -skipSelect So it looks like this:: Flags: name (n): String parent (p): String shared (s): None skipSelect (ss): None Also returns a list of all the flags so they can be added to the method definition (eg. "flag=None") so IDE can autocomplete them. Args: docstring (str): The docstring containing the flags to cleanup. Returns: tuple: The cleaned-up docstring with nicer flags, and the list of flags """ lines = docstring.splitlines(True) # get header header = lines[0].strip() # parse other lines desc_lines = [] flag_lines = [] temp_flags = [] for each in lines[1:]: line = each.strip() if "Flags" in each: flag_lines.append(line) elif line.startswith("-"): temp_flags.append(line) elif line: desc_lines.append(line) # parse and cleanup flags flags = [] for line in temp_flags: shortname, longname, desc = None, None, None for each in line.split(): if each.startswith("-") and not shortname: shortname = each[1:] elif each.startswith("-"): longname = each[1:] else: desc = each if not longname: longname, shortname = shortname, longname txt = "{} ({}): {}".format(longname, shortname, desc) flag_lines.append(indent(txt, 4)) flag = longname if not iskeyword(longname) else shortname if flag: flags.append(flag) return header, desc_lines, flag_lines, flags
[docs]def generate_pypredef(module, outdir=None, doclink=True): """Generate pypredefs using Maya's help query to read command flags. Args: module (mod): Module from which you want to generate the pypredef. outdir (str): Directory in which you want to export the text file. doclink (bool): Adds a link to the online documentation. Note: There are a few maya commands (e.g. "nexCtx") that are almost 1 MILLION line length... so there's a test to skip the command if the docstring is longer than 10k lines. Example: :: from maya import cmds generate_pypredef(cmds, outdir="~/Desktop") """ filetext = "" # use the method if extracting maya commands if module.__name__ == "maya.cmds": maya_urls = get_maya_urls() if doclink else {} commands = sorted("*", list=True)) for each in commands: if hasattr(cmds, each) and not iskeyword(each): strip = if len(strip) > 10000: continue header, l_desc, l_flags, all_flags = cleanup_flags(strip) header = "{}.\n".format(header) if header else header html = maya_urls.get(each, "") html = "\n{}\n".format(html) if html else html desc = "\n".join(l_desc) desc = "\n{}\n".format(desc) if desc else desc flags = "\n".join(l_flags) flags = "\n{}\n".format(flags) if flags else flags docstring = '"""{}{}{}{}\n"""\nreturn args, kwargs\n' docstring = docstring.format(header, html, desc, flags) def_flags = "=None, ".join([x for x in all_flags]) def_flags += "=None, " if def_flags else "" def_txt = "\n\ndef {}({}*args, **kwargs):\n{}".format( each, def_flags, indent(docstring, 4) ) filetext += def_txt # use python to list commands otherwise else: for each in sorted(dir(module)): if bool(mel.eval("exists " + each)): strip = mel.eval("help %s" % each).strip("\n") strip = strip if not "\n" in strip else strip + "\n" if len(strip) > 10000: continue docstring = '"""{}"""\nreturn args, kwargs\n'.format(strip) def_txt = "\n\ndef {}(*args, **kwargs):\n{}".format( each, indent(docstring, 4) ) filetext += def_txt # create path if not outdir: outdir = os.path.join(os.environ.get("HOME"), "pypredef") if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) # export file file_path = os.path.join(outdir, "%s.pypredef" % module.__name__) with open(file_path, "w") as stream: stream.writelines(filetext)"Pypredef generated and saved into %r", file_path)