Source code for bgdev.utils.transform

"""Utility methods for transforms.

:created: 16/02/2018
:author: Benoit GIELLY <>"""
from __future__ import absolute_import

from maya import cmds

[docs]def reset_groups(suffix="_grp"): """Run :func:`reset_group` on a selection of multiple nodes. Args: suffix (str): suffix to use for the reset group name Returns: list: all reset group created """ selection = groups = [] for each in selection: reset_grp = reset_group(each, suffix) groups.append(reset_grp) return groups
[docs]def reset_group(node, suffix="_grp"): """Create a transform node to reset the value of the selected object. Args: node (str): name of node to reset suffix (str): suffix to use for the reset group name Returns: str: reset group """ # create transform group name = "{}_{}".format(node.rsplit("_", 1)[0], suffix) reset_grp = cmds.createNode("transform", name=name) cmds.parent(reset_grp, node) cmds.makeIdentity(reset_grp, translate=True, rotate=True, scale=True) # reparent under parent if any, else world parent = (cmds.listRelatives(node, parent=True) or [None])[0] if parent: cmds.parent(reset_grp, parent) else: cmds.parent(reset_grp, world=True) cmds.parent(node, reset_grp) # for joints, reset rotates and jointOrients if cmds.nodeType(node) == "joint": cmds.makeIdentity(node, jointOrient=True, rotate=True, apply=True) return reset_grp