Source code for bgdev.utils.joints

"""Utility methods about joints.

:created: 13/02/2018
:author: Benoit GIELLY <>
from __future__ import absolute_import

from maya import cmds

[docs]def show_joint_orient(state=True): """Toggle jointOrient and preferredAngle attributes in channelBox. Applies to all joints in the scene. Args: state (bool): True if you want to display jointOrients in channelbox. """ for each in"joint"): for attr in "XYZ": cmds.setAttr( "{}.jointOrient{}".format(each, attr), channelBox=state, ) cmds.setAttr( "{}.preferredAngle{}".format(each, attr), channelBox=state, )
[docs]def add_joints(number=None): """Add joints inbetween. Args: number (int): amount of joints to add. If none given, a prompt will ask the user. Raises: TypeError: If given type is not a number. RuntimeError: If no joints are selected, or only one is but has no children. """ number = number if number else input() if not isinstance(number, (int, float)): raise TypeError("Number is not of <type float> or <type int>") joints =, type="joint") if not joints: raise RuntimeError("Please, select at least 1 joint") elif len(joints) == 1: children = cmds.listRelatives(joints[0], children=True, type="joint") if not children: raise RuntimeError("Selected joint has no child!") joints.extend(children) elif len(joints) > 2: joints = joints[0:2] old, jnt = "", None for i in range(number): jnt = cmds.duplicate( joints[-1], returnRootsOnly=True, parentOnly=True )[0] dist = cmds.getAttr(jnt + ".translateX") value = float(dist) / (number + 1) cmds.setAttr(jnt + ".translateX", value * (i + 1)) try: cmds.parent(jnt, old) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): pass old = jnt cmds.parent(joints[-1], jnt)