Source code for bgdev.utils.deformer

"""Utility methods for deformers.

:created: 28/05/2018
:author: Benoit GIELLY <>
from __future__ import absolute_import

import logging

import bgdev.utils.decorator
from maya import cmds
from maya.api import OpenMaya

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@bgdev.utils.decorator.UNDO_REPEAT def update_lattice_callback(add=True): """Call back :func:`update_lattice`.""" selection = if not selection: LOG.warning("Please select at least 2 nodes!") return nodes, lattice = selection[:-1], selection[-1] for each in nodes: update_lattice(each, lattice, add=add)
[docs]def update_lattice(node, lattice, add=True): """Add or remove node from lattice. Args: node (str): The node to add into the existing lattice. lattice (str): The lattice (ffd) node. add (bool): True node to lattice if True, else remove it. """ shape = cmds.listRelatives(lattice, shapes=True, type="lattice") if shape: ffd = cmds.listConnections(shape[0], type="ffd") if ffd: cmds.lattice(ffd[0], edit=True, geometry=node, remove=not add)
[docs]def transfer_base_weights_api(source, target, src_joint=0, tgt_joint=0): """Transfer weights from source to target using OpenMaya. Args: source (str): Source deformer target (str): Target deformer joint (int): Index of joint in skinCluster """ weight_plug = { "blendShape": "{}.inputTarget[0].inputTargetGroup[0].targetWeights[{}]", "nonLinear": "{}.weightList[0].weights[{}]", "cluster": "{}.weightList[0].weights[{}]", "ffd": "{}.weightList[0].weights[{}]", "skinCluster": "{}.weightList[{}].weights[{}]", } shape = cmds.findType(source, type="mesh")[0] mesh = cmds.listRelatives(shape, parent=True)[0] source_type, target_type = cmds.nodeType(source), cmds.nodeType(target) mesh_sel = OpenMaya.MGlobal.getSelectionListByName(mesh) mesh_dag = mesh_sel.getDagPath(0) mesh_mfn = OpenMaya.MFnMesh(mesh_dag) vertices = set(mesh_mfn.getVertices()[-1]) for i in vertices: plug_selection = OpenMaya.MSelectionList() args = [i, src_joint] if source_type == "skinCluster" else [i] plug_selection.add(weight_plug[source_type].format(source, *args)) args = [i, tgt_joint] if target_type == "skinCluster" else [i] plug_selection.add(weight_plug[target_type].format(target, *args)) value = plug_selection.getPlug(0).asFloat() plug_selection.getPlug(1).setFloat(value)
[docs]def transfer_base_weights(source, target, joint=0): """Transfer weights from source to target. Args: source (str): Source deformer target (str): Target deformer joint (int): Index of joint in skinCluster """ weight_plugs = { "wire": "{}.weightList[0].weights[{}]", "nonLinear": "{}.weightList[0].weights[{}]", "skinCluster": "{}.weightList[{}].weights[{}]", "blendShape": "{}.inputTarget[0].baseWeights[{}]", } mesh = cmds.listConnections(source, type="mesh")[0] vertices = sorted("{}.vtx[*]".format(mesh), flatten=True)) for i, _ in enumerate(vertices): # get weights from source node_type = cmds.nodeType(source) if node_type == "skinCluster": attr = weight_plugs[node_type].format(source, i, joint) else: attr = weight_plugs[node_type].format(source, i) value = cmds.getAttr(attr) # set weights on target node_type = cmds.nodeType(target) if node_type == "skinCluster": attr = weight_plugs[node_type].format(target, i, joint) else: attr = weight_plugs[node_type].format(target, i) cmds.setAttr(attr, value)