Source code for bgdev.ui.dock

"""Make any window dockable within Maya.

:created: 8 Jun 2018
:author: Benoit Gielly <>

from PySide2.QtCore import QObject
from maya import cmds, mel

from . import utils

[docs]def dock_widget(widget, label="DockWindow", area="right", floating=False): """Dock the given widget properly for both M2016 and 2017+.""" # convert widget to Qt if needed if not issubclass(widget.__class__, QObject): widget = utils.to_qwidget(widget) # make sure our widget has a name name = widget.objectName() if not name: name, num = label + "_mainWindow", 1 while cmds.control(name, exists=True): name = label + "_mainWindow" + str(num) num += 1 widget.setObjectName(label + "_mainWindow") # if `floating` is True, return with `` if floating is True: if not widget.windowTitle(): widget.setWindowTitle(label) return widget # make sure the workspaceControl doesn't exist yet control = name + "_WorkspaceControl" if cmds.control(control, exists=True): cmds.deleteUI(control) # create workspaceControl (only works with Maya 2017+) flags = {"dockToControl": ["ToolBox", "right"]} if area == "right": # If the ChannelBox is not visible, fallback on the AttributeEditor. _control = "ChannelBoxLayerEditor" if not cmds.workspaceControl(_control, query=True, visible=True): _control = "AttributeEditor" flags = {"tabToControl": [_control, -1]} control = cmds.workspaceControl(control) cmds.workspaceControl(control, edit=True, label=label, r=True, **flags) # Convert workspace to Qt and add the widget into its layout. workspace = utils.to_qwidget(control) layout = workspace.layout() layout.addWidget(widget) return widget
[docs]def get_available_controls(): """Return all the available Controls in list. Returns: list: List of existing workspaceControls. """ if not hasattr(cmds, "workspaceControl"): return [] tools = mel.eval("$ctrl_tmp_var = $gUIComponentToolBarArray;") docks = mel.eval("$ctrl_tmp_var = $gUIComponentDockControlArray;") controls = sorted( {x for x in tools + docks if cmds.workspaceControl(x, exists=True)} ) return controls