Source code for

"""Utils function for the renamer.

:author: Benoit GIELLY <>
from functools import partial, wraps
import inspect
import os
from traceback import print_exc

from PySide2 import QtCore, QtGui

def _undo_me(func, args, kwargs):
    from maya import cmds

    func_return = None
        func_return = func(*args, **kwargs)
    except BaseException:
    return func_return

[docs]def method_decorator(func, undo=False): # noqa """Decorate a method to make it undoable.""" @wraps(func) def decorator(*args, **kwargs): """Actual method being run.""" if undo: func_return = _undo_me(func, args, kwargs) else: func_return = func(*args, **kwargs) return func_return return decorator
UNDO = partial(method_decorator, undo=True)
[docs]def check_image(icon, normalized=False, as_icon=False): """Convert the given image path to full path name. Args: icon (str): Name of the icon to check normalized (bool): Normalize the path to slash forward (works on all OS) as_icon (bool): Return a QIcon of the found image file. Returns: str: Updated icon path so it's ready to be used. """ # create a list of paths to lookup icons icon_paths = [] for each in (inspect.stack()[1][1], __file__): icon_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(each), "icons") if os.path.exists(icon_folder): icon_paths.append(icon_folder) # check for relatives path icons if icon.startswith(".."): for each in icon_paths: _icon = os.path.join(each, icon[3:]) if os.path.exists(_icon): icon = _icon break elif not os.path.isfile(icon): icon = ":/{0}".format(icon) # when icon file doesn't seem to exist if not QtCore.QFile.exists(icon): return None # normalize the path for windows icon = icon.replace(os.sep, "/") if normalized else icon # return as icon if as_icon: icon = QtGui.QIcon(icon) return icon