Source code for

"""Use ATOM to import or export animation.

:created: 31/01/2019
:author: Benoit GIELLY <>
import logging

from PySide2 import QtWidgets
import bgdev.utils.controler
from maya import cmds

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

cmds.loadPlugin("atomImportExport", quiet=True)

[docs]def export_dialog(): """Open up a file dialog to get the atom file to export.""" selection = nodes = bgdev.utils.controler.get_rig_controls() path, _ = QtWidgets.QFileDialog().getSaveFileName(filter="*.atom") if not path: return if not path.endswith(".atom"): path += ".atom" atom_export(path, nodes)
[docs]def import_dialog(): """Open up a file dialog to get the atom file to import.""" selection = if not selection: LOG.warning("Please, select any node from a rig!") return path, _ = QtWidgets.QFileDialog().getOpenFileName(filter="*.atom") nodes = bgdev.utils.controler.get_rig_controls() atom_import(path, nodes)
[docs]def atom_export(path, nodes): """Export selected controlers into atom file. Args: path (str): The atom file path. nodes (list): List of controlers to export animation from. """ # check namespaces namespaces = list({x.rpartition(":")[0] for x in nodes}) if len(namespaces) > 1: LOG.warning( "Multiple namespaces detected, please provide" " a list of nodes sharing the same one!" ) return export_options = ( "precision=8;" "statics=1;" "baked=1;" "sdk=0;" "constraint=0;" "animLayers=0;" "selected=selectedOnly;" "whichRange=1;" "range=1:10;" "hierarchy=none;" "controlPoints=0;" "useChannelBox=1;" "options=keys;" "copyKeyCmd=-animation objects -option keys -hierarchy none -controlPoints 0 " ) cmds.file( path, force=True, options=export_options, type="atomExport", exportSelected=True, )"ATOM animation exported to %r", path) # if a namespace is found, remove it from the exported atom file if not namespaces[0]: return with open(path, "r") as stream: content = for each in nodes: clean = each.replace(namespaces[0] + ":", "") content = content.replace(each, clean) with open(path, "w") as stream: stream.write(content)
[docs]def atom_import(path, nodes): """Import animation curves from atom file. Args: path (str): The atom file path. nodes (list): List of controlers to import animation onto. """ namespaces = list({x.rpartition(":")[0] for x in nodes}) for each in namespaces: namespace = each + ":" if each else "" import_options = ( ";;targetTime=3;" "option=scaleReplace;" "match=string;;" "selected=selectedOnly;" "search=;" "replace=;" "prefix={0};" "suffix=;" "mapFile=;" ).format(namespace) cmds.file(path, i=True, options=import_options, type="atomImport")